Why is it that your friends are always the ones picking the fights?
All you do is just float along, doing your own thing. Then apperently youve done something wrong. Then the confrontation starts. Confrontation only proves to be pointless... Nothing is solved, you still walk out of there feeling the same way as you did walking in. Only now, youre in a bigger delema then the one you started in.
In today's society, they want us to believe that confrontation makes the world better. When it actually just leads to violence...
Take Iraq for instance. Why are we over there? We 'confront' them, because we feel that they are going about their way of life all wrong.... And then 8 years later.... Where are we? Still in that confronting position... And nothings getting solved.
Why cant we just all be friends? Why can't we just let people be themselves? Stop assuming they are doing something wrong or that they started something.... If we just let them go along with their lives, and you go along with yours.... Fate will have its own way of working things out.
So before you "Beat her ass, 'cuz she is a hoe," Think.
Do you really care all that much?
Because I dont.